About Me

I’m Preethi! I live in Windsor, Ontario, and I’m currently studying theology at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. I previously studied psychology and French at the University of Windsor for a year and a half. I love writing, baking, theology, and I’m passionate about healthy eating. 

Writing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. The intention behind starting Simply Intentional was for my writing to encourage others to live intentionally, rooted in theology. Theology will always be the focus of my writing, for I write to encourage, and encouragement comes solely from God’s word. With a pen in one hand and fueled by a love for Jesus, Simply Intentional offers encouragement to live intentionally, rooted in theology.

My aspiration is that the words I pen bring glory to God, and encourage others and myself to live passionately for Him.

“Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”

– Proverbs 30:5.