When our hearts are prone to passivity, we remember how you were murdered, ripped apart limb by limb from your mother’s womb.
Your life, sacrificed within the walls of what they call a clinic.
In an institution dedicated to murder, your heart seized beating, your fingers and toes dismembered.
We are heartbroken at the thought of you in pain, fighting for your life, helpless against those who deemed you unworthy to live.
We are grieved hearing those who murdered you attempt to dehumanize you as a mere clump of cells.
We know God is angered, seeing you, His fearfully and wonderfully made creation, tossed in a dumpster.
There will never be, nor has there ever been, another person exactly like you. The unique creation that you are lay destroyed.
When will the place that took your life cease to exist?
We pray that those whose daily “work” is to murder others like you would leave the abortion industry and find hope and forgiveness in Christ.
We will never remain silent but passionately fight for life in a world that refuses to.
We speak for you because your voice has been taken from you.
Your body lay among trash, forsaken but never forgotten. We mourn your death and stand for you.
“Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.”- Proverbs 24:11