How beautifully the Incarnation shows us the sacred of the ordinary.
From manger to the cross, how low He came.
To take on flesh in the form of a baby, to hunger and to thirst.
How beautiful is it that hope lay in a manger on the very ground He created.
How humble is our God to display His strength by lowering himself to the point of death on a cross, to be nailed to a cross by those He created.
The Incarnation, that God being fully God, took on flesh, shows us that humility displays strength.
What comfort to know that there is no emotion, no struggle, no pain we can face that Jesus Christ cannot fully and truly sympathize with, although without sin. (Heb 4:15).
What hope to know that when bodies fail and affliction overwhelms, the Christian’s life is held and sustained by the one who laid down his life for us.
What joy that our God, who created the universe, humbled himself to kneel and wash the feet of the very people he created.
How comforting to know the strongest human to walk this earth wept.
The Incarnation beautifully reminds that Jesus didn’t come to remove us from our humanity, but to redeem us in it, and to renew the brokenness of this world.
From forming us in our mother’s womb to nail-pierced hands on a cross, Jesus is drawing people into communion with Him, sustaining and renewing us in our weakness so that his glory may be displayed through our weakness (2 Corinthains 4).
Oh how His humility in the Incarnation compels us to pursue humility in how we love those around us.
What a joy to remember that Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God with us.
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
-John 1:14
Merry Christmas! I pray you are filled with Christ’s joy and peace today as you reflect on the deep joy and hope the Incarnation brings!